miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


Education is a very important part of people’s lives. In Catalonia and Scotland, for example, the Government thinks it is important to educate children free of charge. Being able to read and write is important because without education people cannot do many things in life, especially find a good job.

In most developing countries parents must pay to send their children to school. Many people cannot afford to do this and this means that the majority of people are unable to read or write. Even when children in the developing world attend school, their schools are poorly equipped and there is usually a shortage of teachers. As a result, many developing countries have low rates of literacy.

Answer the following questions using your own words:
  1. Why are children in Catalonia and Scotland so lucky when it comes to education?
 We are lucky because education is free in our country.

     2. Why is it important to be able to read and write?

It is important to be able to read and write  in order to find a good job

     3. Why are many children in the developing south unable to read and write?

Children in the developing world are not able to read and write because:

- Schools are poorly equipped.
- There is a shortage of teacher.
- Education is not free.

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