miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

My description

 My name is Ivan. I'm 13 years old. I'm from Spain. My mother tongue is spanish. I don't practise any religion. I don't pray or go to church. I was born in Barcelona. My parents born in Barcelona.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Sharyn's Visit

Her name is Sharyn. Her nationality is Scotish (British). She is between 20 or 40 years old. She born in Glasgow. She haven't got a boyfriend. She have got a brother. She works in Dell Corporation. She favourite food is Haggies. She's hobbies are dance salsa, rock climbing and reading books. She favourite groups are Pearl Jam, Foofighters, Linkin Park, Eminem, Ali-G and Reggaeton. She speakin lenguajes English, German little and Gwee bit. She's favourite sport is Rugby.